Website FNB South Africa
While ‘help’ constitutes a core brand value within FNB, we also practice an overall ethos underpinned by the concept of ‘better business; better world’. We believe that by tapping into the innovative culture within FNB, we can provide people with the help they need to change their lives, communities and transform their businesses. Not just for their own benefit, but for the benefit of others.
Job Description
- To provide the customers with excellent service by ensuring that they are served promptly, understanding their needs and processing their requests
- Achieve net profit growth for business
- Achieve the delivery of exceptional customer experience against the Balanced Scorecard standards
- Manage the migration of accounts from transactional to Self Service
- Manage the growth of active customer Account Base to increase client base
- Maximize cross sell opportunities and strengthen client relationships
- Track, control and influence sales activities with the specific aim to achieve previously determined sales targets.
- Provision of an efficient administration service through careful and timeous planning, reporting and updating of all related information
- Comply with governance in terms of legislative and audit requirements
- Check all transactions on a daily basis to ensure new business applications are closed within appropriate timelines.
- Track, control and influence sales and service activities with the specific aim to increase sales and service efficiencies
- Compliance with procedures and processes contained in the Golden Rules.
- Provide accurate and reliable sales and service statistics.
- Manage own development to increase own competencies